Birth Debrief / Afterthoughts

Birth, and the period after giving birth, can be a big upheaval. Not only does your body change, but your entire identity and self can change. Your relationship with your partner and family/friends can look different, and you can experience all the fluctuating hormones for months following the birth.
Birth is a huge event, even when it is as straightforward and 'uneventful' as possible. Every birth is different, and regardless of if you've given birth before or not, I don't think you can ever be fully prepared. Birth can be exciting, scary, or empowering. It can be all or none of those things, or a whole host of others. No two births will be the same, nor will your own experiences be the same.
You may have questions about what happened, confusion, or there may be fear from what could have been a scary situation. Your birth may not have gone how you planned or you may have experienced something unexpected during birth.
You may not understand what happened, or have questions that haven't been answered. You may wonder 'Why did I say yes to that?' or 'Could I have reacted differently?' Or you might just want a space to talk about what happened and how it makes you feel.
Whatever your reasons, a birth de-brief / afterthoughts session can provide you with a nurturing and supportive space to talk & understand your birth.
Key Details
Duration: 60 minutes
Attendees: 1:1 support
Location: Beyond the Bump Hub or Humanity Warwick (Humanity Warwick)
Who can attend: Anyone who has given birth, a birth partner
Cost: £55.00
A Birth Debrief or Afterthoughts session can provide you with a nurturing and supportive space to allow you to share your story, where I listen to you and can validate your feelings and experience. We can discuss what happened, make a plan on moving forward, and discuss future pregnancies if you wish.
It is not necessary for me to see your birth notes; however, if it's something you wish to share with me, you can request your notes from your local trust prior to our session so we can review them together.
Sessions will be approximately 60 minutes long.
Should you feel that you need more support following your debrief (we can discuss this together), then your debrief will be considered session one of your Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy.
Birth Debrief / Afterthoughts sessions can also be a huge benefit for birth partners, as it can allow them their own space to process and discuss the birth from their own point of view and experiences.
The sessions will include:
Listen to your unique birth experience in a sympathetic and non-judgmental way.
Validate your perception of your birth experience.
Helping you understand what happened during your birth
Discuss future births if appropriate.