Baby Support

Is your baby unsettled, do they often seem in pain? Then Beyond the Bump are here to support you.
Whether you don't understand what is making your little one so unsettled, or you have narrowed the signs and symptoms down to Colic or Reflux, it can be incredibly hard when your baby cries and screams and you don't know the best way to sooth or settle your little one. You know something is not quite right but you can't get to the bottom of the issue. Beyond the Bump can help with one of our private or group workshops can support you and your baby.
Parents NEED to understand what is causing their little one to be so unsettled.
Parents NEED to understand their choices around diagnosis & treatment and be provided with evidence based information - not BS!
Parents NEED hands on things that they can do to alleviate some of the symptoms of Colic and Reflux.
Parents NEED signposting to the best care and support for their baby.
Parents NEED someone to listen and support them - to let them know they’re not a failure.
And this is exactly why Beyond the Bump are here to support with a private session or workshop that is right for you, your baby and your family situation.
Key Details
The Unsettled Baby Private 1-2-1
Duration: 2 hours
Attendees: New parent(s) and your baby
Location: Either at your home or Beyond the Bump Hub, Squab Hall Farm, Harbury Lane, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QB
Who can attend: Babies from 2 weeks old that are suffering with signs and symptoms of colic and or reflux
Investment: £65
Our Unsettled Baby session is a private session for you, your baby and your partner, either at our hub or in the comfort of your home. We spend time with you to understand your concerns around your babies discomfort and we look at what support is available to you. We will share information and knowledge on common baby discomforts, some practical things you can do (including winding techniques, baby massage, baby yoga) and will also sign post you to recognised professionals within the area who can further support you and your baby.
Colic & Reflux Private 1-2-1
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Attendees: New parent(s) and your baby
Location: Either at your home or Beyond the Bump Hub, Squab Hall Farm, Harbury Lane, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QB
Who can attend: Babies from 2 weeks old that are suffering with signs and symptoms of colic and or reflux
Investment: £50
In our private one to one session, we either come to you, or you come to us and we will support you to understand Colic & Reflux what this means for your baby and caring for your baby and teach you practical hands on winding, massage and yoga techniques to support your baby to feel more comfortable when suffering from Colic and/or Reflux. Our session is completely tailored to your baby to ensure you are receiving the best information and advice possible.
Colic & Reflux Workshop
Duration: 2 hours
Attendees: Maximum 6 babies with either 1 or both parents
Location: Beyond the Bump Hub, Squab Hall Farm, Harbury Lane, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QB
Who can attend: Babies from 2 weeks old that are suffering with signs and symptoms of colic and or reflux
Investment: £20
In our group workshop, we give you the research backed information required to finally understand Colic & Reflux, this is followed up with what this means for your baby and caring for your baby.
As a group we go through practical hands on winding, massage and yoga techniques to support your baby to feel more comfortable when suffering from Colic and/or Reflux.